Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Play A Teck Deck Game What Should I Get My Boyfriend For Valentines Day If He Loves To Skate?

What should I get my Boyfriend for valentines day if he loves to skate? - play a teck deck game

I thought some teak decks (skateboards mini) my classmates and said he was still playing with them and would be perfect. I do not know if this is quite romantic.
His B-Day also comes to the end of February for what I do, and a little more romantic V-Day?


  1. You can buy a skate video, and then see them together. or ask him to teach him basic tricks like the ollie, or etc.

    I buy high-tech coverage for your Bday, polished or bridge, or skate shoes.

  2. Yes .. I do not know how old he is, but it's a bit cheesy for a V-present. Have a nice watch! Nixon Watches skater is cool, I know you like!

  3. How often do you have this question *
    Do what you love

    * Good Luck *
