Saturday, February 6, 2010

Sbi Unit Plus When Started My Son Is 8 Months Old For His Needs To Plan Save Money Can You Plz Tell Me The SBI Unit Plus Child Plan?

My son is 8 months old for his needs to plan save money can you plz tell me the SBI Unit plus Child plan? - sbi unit plus when started

The SBI unit more if you want to have children and start what is the net asset value can believe or not.


  1. DONT a mutual fund SIP assume leadership positions are very high ULIP

  2. Friend! I'm always against ULIP. Please look at the administrative costs of the court that the premium. crazy. because they have a long-term horizon, I suggest you go for the history well-rated/good two or three diversified mutual funds (SIP, they may be good for us if you are willing to spend some time with May worth an average cost of technology) as well. If you say you want to be part of the debt will be invested in ULIP ur well, I suggest that for hybrid mutual funds based on shares when you are in higher tax brackets, otherwise go to Investment Funds Diversified fd / seat combo.
    In addition, I propose an openly PPF / c in the name of the child from the UR, the name of the Uruguay Round, and not a little money on him. if ur child grows, if it falls on higher tax bracket, you can enjoy Block 5 years to invest PPF. ur, if not in the higher tax bracket, do not put much money into the PPF. Note that PPF a return of 8% tax-free makes available.
    Look u hope that the administrative costs for the premium in any ULIP then read this paragraph should be reduced.
