Friday, January 29, 2010

Are Males More Prone To Down Syndrome Than Women Are Males More Prone To Down Syndrome?

Are Males more prone to Down Syndrome? - are males more prone to down syndrome than women

I'm trying to understand my psychology courses online, where men are more likely to Down syndrome than women. If anyone can help me, or at least tell me where to find what I'm looking for it would be welcomed!


  1. Down syndrome is caused trisomy of chromosome 21 and is most common autosomal trisomy in newborns. It is related to gender. Therefore affecting newborn males and females together.

  2. No, men are more likely to Down syndrome, is a function of the cube. I can tell you that men often are infertile, and there are only two written documents of people with Down syndrome children.

    Girls can get pregnant though. Weird huh!

  3. Are you sure you aren't thinking of autism? That is definitely more prevalent among males.
