Monday, January 18, 2010

Mental Health Hotline Answering Machine The Answering Machine For My Cell You Think Is Funny...or Offensive?

The answering machine for my cell you think is funny...or offensive? - mental health hotline answering machine

I love straight. But my voice is my cell phone:

"Hey, you Megan Thackery Mental Health Line. If you are obsessive compulsive, press 1 repeatedly. If you're paranoid ... I will be your call and come to him. If you are depressed, a button to press, but nobody cares enough to respond. And if you have low self esteem ... I am engaged in conversation with someone as ugly as you! smile Have a nice day! And do not forget!

All my freinds love it. Call me to pick up the phone crying because he wanted to hear ... But I'm not sure ... Do you think that some people find offensive?


  1. Offensive ... O --- SHMEN Ball!

    Why is all very anxious to offend people now? The only "idea" that we can control are our ... and although not intended to "insult" to do then why bother?

    Lighten there to the people! Geesh!

    Girl ... To get your message ... and more power to you!

    He had a message on the theme of the game The Godfather in the background ... Then I spoke with a strong Italian accent ... "DIS ... Bonjourno .... xxxx ... residence of the family ... for a ballad, but were at a stand, can not come to the phone now. Please leave a post-AA, those who get in touch set as soon as they were published-AA.

    Therefore, I was afraid to offend the crowd? Or Italian?

    Enjoy life is very short!

    Have a nice day.

  2. The only time you change if you are a professional, someone you wait again for a job interview, college interviews, etc. not necessarily liked it calls. Obviously, no friends obsessive-compulsive disorder, paranoid, depressed and ugly enough to be offensive!

  3. yep thats a good
